Frequently asked questions - general
How do you get to Thirty-One Mile Lake ?
How do you get to Thirty-One Mile Lake ?
The banks of Thirty-One Mile Lake are shared by Gatineau Valley in the Outaouais and by Antoine-Labelle in the Laurentians, roughly 90 minutes north of Ottawa-Gatineau. The lake can be reached by provincial routes 105, 117 and 309 (Refer to the itinerary of the bottom on the “Contact” section).
Where are the main put-ins?
Where are the main put-ins?
There are a total of five put-ins. Precise itineraries are included in the « Contact » section. The first four listed are under Corporation du Parc regional du lac 31 Milles management.
- The Sainte-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau launch fees are 10$/day for parking and a 10$ put-in fee for motorised boats.
- The Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain launch fees are 10$/day for parking.
- The Bouchette launch fees are 20$/day for parking of a single vehicle and 25$/day for a vehicle with trailer.
- The Baie Matte (Gracefield) launch fees are 20$/day for parking of a single vehicle and 25$/day for a vehicle with trailer.
- The Déléage launch is unsupervised, overnight parking prohibited.
What is your cancellation policy?
What is your cancellation policy?
- Cancellations made more than one month prior to the date of the stay are refunded with a penalty applied equivalent to one night’s stay.
- Cancellations made 7 to 30 days prior to stay : 50% refund.
- Cancellations made less than 7 days prior to stay are not eligible to any refund.
- It is forbidden to resell your stay to a third person
How can I modify a reservation?
How can I modify a reservation?
31 Mile Lake is very popular, it is worthwhile to carefully review your booking information before paying. If your plans change, please advise us of the desired changes by e-mail or by telephone and mention your invoice number (top right of your invoice). If your stay is changed to one of lesser value, a 25$ downgrade fee will be applied.
Is fishing allowed?
Is fishing allowed?
Yes, it is, and only the Quebec fishing licence is needed. No need to register to the lake specifically. The most abundant catches are lake trout, largemouth bass, and pike. Complete information on dates, quotas and bait fish in zone 10 is available at
Can I rent a motor boat?
Can I rent a motor boat?
Motor boat rental is unfortunately not offered on the shores of 31 Mile lake. Rentals are however available in Mont-Laurier ( or in the village of Low (Manitou chasse & pêche 819-422-2409).
Can I bring my pet?
Can I bring my pet?
Pets must be kept on leash in public areas (parking, put-in, RV campground).
Different rules apply according to the type of lodging or activity.
- Auberge de l’Accueil : no pets allowed in the suites.
- Camping rustique 31 Milles (RV camping in the municipality of Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain : Pets must be on leash at the campground, they are prohibited from accessing the public beach.
- Ready-to-camp (Yourte, Minka, Refuge) Pets are prohibited in the ready-to-camp installations.
Campsites: Pets are welcome at tent campsites, but owners must:
- Leave the site in the same state as it was when you arrived, particularly animal waste must all be collected and disposed of.
- Keep your pet under supervision at all times.
- Keep noise levels under control to avoid disturbing other campers.
Frequently asked questions - Camping
Do we have to check-in upon arrival?
Do we have to check-in upon arrival?
No, at your arrival you only need to manage your parking payment and put your boat in the water. You can then navigate directly to your campsite. Our nautical team does daily check-ins to make sure everything is A-OK.
How are campsites categorized?
How are campsites categorized?
Campsites are categorized by size and environmental capacity from 1 to 4 tents. 1 tent sites are meant to be used by a maximum of 4 to 6 people, 2 tent sites for 6 to 8 people, 3 tent sites for 9 to 15 people and 4 tent sites for 12 to 20 people. Larger groups may need to reserve several campsites. If tents are not used and sleeping quarters installed in hammocks or the like, please refer to the number of occupants as a reference to pick an appropriate campsite.
Are rates linked to the number of tents we will put up?
Are rates linked to the number of tents we will put up?
No, rates are based on the size and capacity of each campsite.
Are screened-in kitchen tents included it the maximum number of tents allowed?
Are screened-in kitchen tents included it the maximum number of tents allowed?
No, only tents which lodge campers for sleeping are included in the tent count.
What are arrival and departure times?
What are arrival and departure times?
Campers can take possession of their campsite as of 4 pm. Campers must vacate the campsite on the last morning at 11 am.
Can I arrive early or leave later than the specified times?
Can I arrive early or leave later than the specified times?
Arrival and departure times must be respected in order to ensure campsite maintenance between groups. Please note that 4 pm is the earliest that you can arrive at your campsite, but you can arrive at the put in and enjoy navigating the lake beforehand.
What is included with a campsite reservation?
What is included with a campsite reservation?
All basic reservations include overnight stays for the maximum allowable number of tents and occupants and one bag of firewood per night (already delivered to the campsite). All campsites are equipped with an outhouse, fire pit and picnic table. Camping equipment and transportation to your campsite are not included.
How can I buy more firewood or ice?
How can I buy more firewood or ice?
Upon your online reservation, it is possible to add extra bags of firewood (10$/bag) or blocks of ice (8$/block) to your invoice. All firewood will be delivered directly to your campsite just before your arrival. You can also buy ice directly from our daily lake patrol during your stay. In order to reduce the handling of money and change purchases made during your stay will be approved by your signature and billed to the credit card used upon reservation.
How big is a bag of firewood?
How big is a bag of firewood?
Our firewood bags are the size of a large onion bag or a small sac of potatoes.
Do you offer transportation on the lake?
Do you offer transportation on the lake?
The Corporation du Parc régional du Lac 31 Milles does not offer the transportation of clients. A luggage transportation service is available from any of the four put-ins managed by the Corporation on a rate scale varying from 72$ to 360$ (depending on the distance between the point of arrival and the campsite). Reservation of luggage transportation must be made at least two weeks prior to your stay. Rates are calculated by the trip and include both the initial delivery and the final pack-out on the final day (between 10 and 11 am) regardless of the amount of luggage loaded.
How do I pick up the canoe, kayak or paddle board I have rented?
How do I pick up the canoe, kayak or paddle board I have rented?
Campers headed to sites 1 through 14 can pick up their canoe etc. at the Sainte-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau put-in. Campers headed to sites 15 through 29 will find their canoe etc. at the Bouchette put-in (please stop by the reception area first). Upon arrival, please specify that you are renting and a staffer will assist you.
Can I get to my campsite by car?
Can I get to my campsite by car?
Only the ready-to-camp sites Refuge and Minka are accessible by vehicle. After arriving at the Refuge or Minka parking lot you will have to WALK half a kilometer before arriving on the premises. All other island or lakeside tenting campsites are only accessible by water.
How long do I have to paddle to get to my campsite?
How long do I have to paddle to get to my campsite?
Paddling travel times vary from 15 minutes for the closest sites to 3 hours for the more remote sites. On the PDF map, the blue squares on the lake represent roughly 30 minutes of paddling each.
Can I cut my own firewood on or around my campsite.
Can I cut my own firewood on or around my campsite.
No, absolutely not. Deforestation and clearing by campers seeking firewood presents a high-risk for environmental degradation and is strictly forbidden. It is only permitted to harvest already dead and fallen wood or driftwood.
Can I bring my own firewood?
Can I bring my own firewood?
Yes but beware: transportation of firewood may seem harmless but is an important vector for the transportation and transmission of invasive species, tree diseases or pests. To avoid the risk of environmental contamination, make sure that your firewood is of local origin exclusively.
Can I reserve over the phone?
Can I reserve over the phone?
Yes absolutely but during busy periods our response time can be quite long. Please keep in mind that it is always quicker to reserve online.
I am planning on reserving several different stays this year. Any recommendations on how to proceed?
I am planning on reserving several different stays this year. Any recommendations on how to proceed?
Please keep in mind that once reservation season opens, a campsite is publicly available until someone books it and pays the related fee.
During the busiest periods, near the opening of reservation season, it will be a disadvantage to spend a lot of time booking several stays into a single invoice. Selected campsites and dates may be booked by other clients before you finish your transaction. To increase your chances of success on each stay we suggest booking individually, starting with your most desired dates and site.
Is it possible to book a single overnight stay?
Is it possible to book a single overnight stay?
No, not in tenting campsites or ready-to-camp units. The minimum stay is 2 overnights.
The booking calendar always shows one more day that what I chose, is this normal?
The booking calendar always shows one more day that what I chose, is this normal?
Yes because you are booking overnight stays and not days. The system calendar is showing your arrival and departure date. For example, a stay booked for two nights will span three calendar days.
Are there any wild animals?
Are there any wild animals?
Yes many magnificent animals leave sesonally or all year round at 31 Mile lake. However, a dangerous encounter with animals such as bears or coyotes has never been reported. The most troublesome wild animals are usually birds and rodents; make sure you secure your food and garbage out of their reach.
Where can I get potable water?
Where can I get potable water?
If you have your own containers you can fill up free of charge at the Auberge de l’accueil near the Bouchette put-in.
What do I do if someone is already set-up on my campsite when I arrive?
What do I do if someone is already set-up on my campsite when I arrive?
Although this is an unlikely situation, a copy of your invoice will be useful in politely staking your claim. If your campsite is within reach of cellphone reception, you can call the reception staff. If you need to speak with us but are out of a reception zone you can call us from a zone with coverage on the lake or make your way to the closest put-in to speak with our on-site staff.
- Cancellations made more than one month prior to the date of the stay are refunded with a penalty applied equivalent to one night’s stay.
- Cancellations made 7 to 30 days prior to stay : 50% refund.
- Cancellations made less than 7 days prior to stay are not eligible to any refund.
- It is forbidden to resell your stay to a third person